Friday 17 August 2012

Art Of Living Only For..... ?

                 In today's world if YOU have not done Art Of Living course then you are really missing something very calm , compose and beautiful self experience. 
                 Few months back, I done Art Of Living's very famous course YES+ . Being a 22 year old Engg playing OM game, Dongrala aag lagli pala pala pala was just amazing , joyful and refreshment of childhood memories. The experience  of making  fruit salad on one day  and learning theories of life on other was remarkable. Though some things discussed der were familiar while some were not. When it is bombarded on your ears that certain thing is right, no matter what, we ignore its other side. Attending Satsangs, doing Sudharshan kriya is something out of dis world. The 'energy'  of which this whole universe is made of ! was beautifully explained by our YES+ DEE.
                  Now around two months have passed and after attending so many satsangs, daily n weekly kriyas , today suddenly one thought striked in my mind and which raised many unanswered questions.. So i thought of sharing it wid u all with the faith of finding satisfying solution. I was just lying down and randomly all my yes+ 5 supercool days flash backed, reminding all fun , masti, friends, meditations, reasons behind many things, etc... which was served to us in so simple language just lyk a decorative plate which was easy to see n indeed challenging to make..!
                   Everyday, atleast once the thing was said that, "we have to unite as many people as we can " merely exploring our experiences and make them feel n th one who are lovingly connected with dis association. But when 'unity' comes it should consists everyone. may it be a poor or even a millionaire. I dont say it should be free ,no not at all... as it wont be valued.. but atleast it shud be affordable so that maximum people can join... No doubt millions of people are connected wid Art Of Living then why not have some relaxation to one who cannot afford such huge amount. Its just group of sophisticated people coming together or the very lower group.. but what about the middle category people.  For "ANY" course one has to think twice bcoz of large share of money. Instead of investing money from courses we can use d sum we get from donors, or from who can willingly pay. As keeping minimum funds will connect mass population n that will definitely help in making world a peaceful place in much less period of time.
                 I just feel the way i was able to do the course, there are many people who really require such courses, support but are unable to fetch just bcoz some amount of money. Whenever we do one course we feel like knowing more about life and we just join another advance course. Bt it's unfortunate that this beautiful experience which we are experiencing, dey are nt even aware of it. I wud really like to take some solution out of this as its not the one which works for the money or quality of people, instead it is of the people by the people and for the people. 
                  I hope , my motive behind writing this blog wouldnt be taken in any wrong sense! It was just an sincere attempt, that  what if this divinity is served to as many  possible beyond there worry of funds!   



  1. hey all... here is another one for u all... advises, criticism, comments are appreciated... so let me knw ur reviews...!

  2. Ooops, you also stuck in money despite doing the course. The right way to approach your answer is to contact some senior teachers, go to B'lore and ask the volunteers in ashram. Writing random blog will give you only opinions from people who dont know anything about AOL.
    Just FYI, there are courses conducted by AOL in whereever possible, and the fees at different places are different, some rural places like shahapur, vasind (just example) are being charged half of the amount what is charged in rich towns like Mumbai or Pune. There are many adivasi villages where some courses are conduced as seva for free. THere were courses conducted for free in Aasam calamities, Tsunami affected south regions and other such disastrous places. There is projects like DSY being conducted to raise funds from those who can share their donations for the people and societies in our nations who are still lagging far behind. There are many villages being adopted by AOL and taken care of. All such initiatives needs funds and only people like us who earn can share some part of our income atleast in form of fees to do course. We spend thousands in hotelling, movies, cloths etc. Why not for a good cause?
    Apart from that, if someone really willing to do the course and if the person deserves it then their can be discounts and free courses or even sponsors for this people. Such people should only be really willing to come in knowledge, and have their own strong wish to find out ways to do it. There are solutions for everything because there was never a problem. If it is, it only lies in our way of thinking.
    We are in AOL for only a couple of months but AOL is in seva for 25+ years reaching the Richest and Poorest people all over the world. While writing this I just got to know that there is a course happening in Pune for *FREE* for the house maid women.

    || Jai Gurudev ||

    1. i m really glad that you take so much tym to read n rply on wht i hav return.... bt i hav clearly mention my point that poor n devasted, people r provided free courses or half funds in some adivasi areas... whereas i was saying abt those people who leave in cities , who r not rich nor poor... my purpose behind writting on dis was only that even if such sevas r done then mass of people are unaware of it...

  3. Do watch this :
    There are lacks of other such initiatives you can find.
